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Does "Responsibility" make sense?
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The definition of responsibility

Responsibility does make sense as it plays such an essential role in everyday life. We have responsibility over our own affairs, such as maintaining employment, and the responsibility to look after others, such as the safety of children. Therefore, we do possess responsibility despite our biological constraints.

The Argument

Responsibility is defined as a moral, legal, or mental accountability.[1] When you have responsibility, it is your duty to be in charge, so you can make decisions relating to the situation. Responsibility is a part of everyday life. For example, an employee has responsibility to deliver their company’s mission, a teacher has responsibility over their student’s learning, and parents have responsibility over their children’s upbringing and wellbeing. This highlights how responsibility does make sense because it plays such an important role in so many areas of people’s daily lives. Therefore, we possess responsibility despite our biological restraints because we apply it to our everyday life, which is a human action.

Counter arguments



[P1] Responsibility is accountability. [P2] Responsibility is a normal part of everyday life. [P3] Responsibility does make sense despite our biological constraints.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Monday, 29 Jun 2020 at 18:57 UTC

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