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Should the Electoral College be abolished?
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It is too difficult to get rid of the Electoral College

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The Argument

Rising levels of polarisation amongst voters and political deadlock in the United States Congress makes it increasingly difficult to get rid of the Electoral College, particularly as both of the major parties have self-interest in its maintenance. To reform or get rid of the Electoral College would require a constitutional amendment with two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress and three quarters of states ratifying it, which has only happened twenty seven times since the United States was founded over two hundred years ago. There is currently not a majority in favour of abolishing the Electoral College. Therefore the time could be better used to address more pressing issues.

Counter arguments



[P1] Getting rid of the Electoral College requires significant backing, which is not there. [P2] There is no point spending time on this when there are more important things for politicians to be dealing with.

Rejecting the premises


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