Disagreeing with government policy
Disagreements over policy can incite people to feel like they have lost their political or economic voice. Feeling a loss of political agency can lead to depression and anger, and both are emotions that cause extremist tendencies.
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The Argument
Disagreements over government policy can incite extremist violence very fast, because policies are implemented over a large area and affect many people. The polarization of politics also enflames extremism because both sides feel they need to discredit the other to gain power and status. [1]
Policies also impact different socioeconomic groups differently. Socioeconomics play a large impact in policy and the reaction to it. Violence rates are much higher in larger cities, because of the inequity issues and disparities between groups of people. [2]
Extremism in politics does not always lead to violence, which is important to note. While extremism can include forms of violence, whether public or private, extremism can also be in the form of thoughts or simple conversations. [3]
Politics and policies are very sensitive issues and because of that, dissenters and displeased people can become extremists because of politics and government policies.
Counter arguments
Government policies are open for appeal and dissent that do not include extremism or extremist violence.
Politics may be divided does not—and should not—lead to an increased amount of extremist or extremist violence.