We need to hold the police accountable
Introducing accountability measures is the only way to remove rampant institutional racism from the police. For too long, the law has protected the police through laws such as "qualified immunity". In practice, this has given them license to brutalise civilians without repercussions. Reform requires checks and balances including dash cams, abolishing "no knock warrants", and creating a register of complaints against the police. Proponents have enshrined many of these in the Justice in Policing Act proposal - and include House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, senator Kamala Harris, former Vice President Joe Biden, and the Congressional Black Caucus.
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The Argument
An increasing amount of attention has been drawn to police brutality and systemic racism since the death of George Floyd in May of 2020. Seeing the level of force police officers employ has given rise to an outcry for change, specifically in the realm of accountability.
As figures of authority, the police serve communities by protecting the neighborhood. Despite this concept, some feel they are not safe in their neighborhoods, even in the presence of police officers. Since the police are in a position of power, they can then exert greater control over people, and as a result, control the narrative of events that transpire in these neighborhoods. For instance, in the case of Jocques Clemmons, it appeared as though the police in Nashville were trying to portray him in a manner that did not quite fit the reality of who Clemmons was to justify how Officer Joshua Lippert handled the situation [1]. Instances like these are what fuel the movement for police accountability.
Several measures are circulating to address concerns related to police accountability. Some states like NewYork have already passed some legislation, including banning chokeholds and setting up special offices responsible for investigating the deaths of people during and following encounters with police officers [2]. That way, if a police officer does use excessive force, they can be held accountable for their actions. In turn, holding these violators accountable will begin seriously addressing systemic racism within law enforcement.
Counter arguments
Holding police officers accountable is important. However, the measures taken to hold them accountable may prove to be too great an obstacle to police officers. Part of the legislation Governor Cuomo signed also includes budget cuts to New York's police department. Without proper funding, police departments will not be able to do their jobs effectively, leaving them "permanently frozen" [2]. Reducing police funding may also affect programs outside of law enforcement that center around community service and personal development. Losing the cadet and Explorer programs could further alienate communities from their respective police departments, serving to increase already existing tensions [3].