White fragility promotes ending racism through open dialogue
White people avoid talking about race. Yet, societies can only overcome their own racism by confronting privilege and implicit bias.
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The Argument
Acknowledging bias and privilege is the first step in achieving racial equity and equality. Understanding the implications of white supremacy through white fragility will help end systemic racism and underlying biases that white people hold.
Discussing how white people have been socially, economically, and politically privileged throughout most of international history forces them to see the consequences of their own supremacy. The consequences of white supremacy are the repression of other communities, systemic racism, and violence. Conversations around white fragility have already opened up dialogue between communities about how to combat social biases and systemic racism. [1]
Open dialogue is the first step in ending racism. As communities talk with each other and share their grievances, white people will better understand their role in ending systemic racism through changing their perceptions of race and acknowledging their own privilege. [2] White privilege exists in almost every facet of everyday life, and while privilege can go unnoticed by a white person, non-white people feel the implications of white people ignoring and not understanding their privilege every day. [2]
Continuing to discuss white fragility and its implications will open more dialogue to end racism.
Counter arguments
The idea of white fragility is patronizing to non-white people. By acknowledging white fragility, white people can become patronizing and hyper-aware of their interactions with other people, which only perpetuates differences and race relations.[3] Unpacking the biases that white people have about race takes a lifetime.
Understanding white fragility alone will not facilitate the end of racism. The education system in most countries teaches implicit white supremacy, and unraveling those themes takes much more than open dialogue and understanding white fragility.[4] It will take policy change and international shifts in how humans view each other and themselves.
White fragility promotes racism by separating white people further from non-whites and making dialogue between races something that people fear instead of welcome.
Rejecting the premises
- https://www.simpsonhousing.org/white-fragility-white-supremacy-implicit-bias/
- https://www.yesmagazine.org/social-justice/2017/07/24/10-examples-that-prove-white-privilege-exists-in-every-aspect-imaginable/
- https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/07/dehumanizing-condescension-white-fragility/614146/
- https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/magazine/white-fragility-robin-diangelo.html