Few scientific questions generate as much intrigue and political turmoil as the origins of sexual orientation. Is there a clear genetic or hormonal link to sexual orientation that indicates gay people are, in the words of Lady Gaga, “Born This Way”? Can we ever know if same-sex attraction is determined before birth? Is this a question that should even be asked?
Yes, people are born gay
Various studies have found a direct link between genetics and homosexuality.
We can’t choose our sexual orientation because it’s genetically inherent
Homosexuality is a genetic trait that runs throughout generations
No, people are not born gay
To reduce sexual orientation to genetics or hormones reduces it to a binary outcome. Sexuality is not binary, it is fluid and no genetic explanation has been able to accomodate this.
Gay people have fewer offspring because of the genetics they pass on
Identical twins can have different sexual orientations due to environment
Same-sex attraction is a mental illness that needs professional treatment
We don’t know if people are born gay
No conclusive evidence has been found to settle the debate.
It doesn’t matter if people are born gay
The question of whether people are born gay is unimportant and could be dangerous.