Values Survey - Information Sheet (MRFGR)

Thank you for considering participating in this research project. The purpose of this document is to explain to you what the work is about and what your participation would involve, so as to enable you to make an informed choice.

Parlia is building an Encyclopedia of Opinions - mapping all the arguments around controversial topics or issues, and mapping how respondents feel about those arguments. Parlia is intended as a practical response tool in the face of growing polarisation across Western democracies. You can read more about our mission in our About Us Page, and our purpose in this launch article on OpenDemocracy. The Founders of Parlia are Turi Munthe and J. Paul Neeley.

The purpose of this survey is to build a base dataset of responses around our core opinions. Should you choose to participate, you will be asked to sign up to, share basic demographic information, and respond to 100 statements of opinion covering everyday life, questions of value, culture, philosophy and politics. By signing up to you will be accepting our Terms of Service.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. There is no obligation to participate, and should you choose to do so you can refuse to answer specific questions or decide to withdraw from the study. There is also no obligation to remain signed up to and you can ask to leave the platform at any time by contacting

You maintain the right to withdraw from the study at any stage up up to the point of data submission.

All information you provide will be confidential and your anonymity will be protected according to our Privacy Policy.

Data will be stored on Google Cloud. We use up to date best practice security measures for data storage, in full compliance with GDPR. The information you provide may contribute to research publication as well as to consumer market research.

We do not anticipate any negative outcomes from participating in this study.

If you have any queries or concerns about this research, please contact me, Turi Munthe, at, or in writing at Parlia, Jadala Ltd, Somerset House Exchange, London WC1R 2LA

If you agree to take part in this study, please provide consent below.

  • I have read the Information Sheet for this study and understand the requirements of the study and have been given the opportunity to contact the researcher if I had any further questions.
  • I understand I am free to contact the researcher with any questions I may have about this research.
  • I understand that I am free to withdraw from the study within the time limits outlined in the Information Sheet, without giving a reason for my withdrawal or to decline to answer any particular questions and that I can exit the study at any time during completion without any consequences to my future treatment by the researcher.
  • I agree to provide information to the researchers under the conditions of confidentiality set out in their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • I wish to participate in the study under the conditions set out in the Information Sheet. I consent to the information collected for the purposes of this research study, once anonymised (so that I cannot be identified), to be used for any other research purposes.
  • I give permission to the researchers to collect, store, analyse and publish information obtained from my participation in this study.


This page was last edited on Monday, 19 Apr 2021 at 13:48 UTC
