"Baby It's Cold Outside" has been a beloved Christmas classic since its release in the 1950s. But in recent years its lyrics have come under scrutiny, as modern culture sees it as sexist, offensive, and possibly about date rape. Does the song have sexist undertones, or is it an innocent holiday classic?
Yes, the lyrics to "Baby It's Cold Outside" are offensive
"Baby It's Cold Outside" is unapologetically about a man getting a woman drunk and forcefully inviting himself into her home, even though she's repeatedly telling him "no." One can infer from the lyrics what is going to happen from there--it's a classic case of date rape. The lyrics to "Baby It's Cold Outside" are offensive and sexist, and the song should be permanently banned from the airwaves.
No, the lyrics to "Baby It's Cold Outside" are not offensive
"Baby It's Cold Outside" is an innocent Christmas classic. Make no mistake; it is definitely a song about a night of fun and sex. But it is not about date rape; it is playful banter between two people who are in love. One can infer this by their playful tone of voice; if the woman was really reluctant, she would sound much less enthusiastic about her man's advances. The lyrics to "Baby It's Cold Outside" are not offensive; they are witty and charming.
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