Is gender a socially constructed ideology which is embedded within an individual's psyche by societal standards of what is typically male or female behavior, or is it more biological than that?
Gender is a social construct
Society shapes the gender role we play in life. It is a mixture of our upbringing, cultural and generational differences that determine our role.
Gender norms are embodied through society
Unlike sex, where your physiological features determine whether you are male or female, gender is associated with the category of sex you are associated with according to your feelings and behaviours. It is society that manages these categories.
There are varying degrees of what is regarded as masculine and feminine in different cultures. These differences indicate that gender is a social construct.
Biochemical differences in males and females determine their gender roles, and their innate inclination towards certain behaviours. This behaviour is external to societal influences.
Gender is biological, the level of testosterone in an individual determines this
Prenatal exposure to testosterone determines behaviours that are typically associated with being male or female.