Commas are a point of immense contention in the literary and academic communities. Changing standards, especially in journalistic fields, have caused many observers to take a stance on basic grammar conventions like the Oxford comma.
Yes, comma usage should be universal
Comma usage is a unifying standard for language, and inconsistencies detract from the meaning of a sentence. Commas used at a whim are misplaced in academia and formal writing, but they also lead to immense miscommunication in everyday life.
Inconsistent comma usage denotes a downfall in the overall literacy and communication skills of society
The confusion and differences in meaning caused by a single punctuation mark are extremely disconcerting. Standardizing would simplify the language for all readers. Notable proponents include Lynne Truss and John Updike.
Commas are not meant to be a standardized punctuation mark. Enforcing universality is grammatical fascism and detracts from overall content and meaning.
Comma conventions are and should remain arbitrary based on language and context
Comma usage varies between languages and dialects. Standard usage is almost impossible to visualize between languages and even between certain fields of study. Notable proponents include John Greene and Mary Norris.