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Ancient History
Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were Mycenaean Greeks
Some of the Sea People were Philistines of Greek extraction
Most scholars agree that the Philistines were Greek people based on considerable archaeological and written evidence. The Philistines are the one group of Sea People who are easy to identify in the sources. The Sea People were partly or mostly Greek.
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Is Medusa a victim or villain?
Medusa is a villain
Medusa broke her vow to Athena and was punished for it
Medusa was not raped by Poseidon and willingly broke her vow to the goddess Athena. For these offenses against her patron goddess, Athena punished Medusa and turned her into a monster.
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were Mycenaean Greeks
The Greeks turned to piracy after the Trojan War
According to Homer, after a long war with the Trojans, the Greeks committed acts of piracy on their way home. The Homeric explanation fits with the clockwise sweep of attacks around the Mediterranean during this period.
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were an emerging Anatolian power
The Luwian People from Asia Minor are the mythical Trojans
Luwian speaking people from Western Asia Minor are geographically located where Troy is supposed to have been. They are underresearched but may once have been a powerful empire that attacked the Hittites and fought with the Greeks.
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were an emerging Anatolian power
Some of the ethnic groups in the sources can be traced to Anatolian lands
The Sherden, Shekelesh, Teresh, and Lukka can all be linked to places in Anatolia. The Anatolian connection is particularly strong for the Lukka, who are mentioned quite frequently in antiquity.
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were created by invaders passing through the Balkans
Archaeology from the Balkans indicates a crisis prior to the Bronze Age Collapse
The formation and expansion of the Urnfield culture in Central Europe caused waves of migrants to travel down into the Mediterranean. This argument is supported by archaeology in the region,
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were bandits and raiders.
The Sea People were pirates, they cannot be identified as an ethnic group.
The Sea People mentioned in the Egyptian sources consisted of roving bands of people from various places who turned to piracy. It is difficult to identify their ethnicity because they are not synonymous with any nation. Claims of their existence have been exaggerated by archaeologists.
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were bandits and raiders.
The other causes of the Bronze Age Collapse created widespread piracy
The Bronze Age collapse can be attributed to climate change, famine, earthquakes, economic difficulties, internal military struggles, and banditry. The Sea people were likely raiders. They were victims of the collapse rather than its principle cause.
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were migrants fleeing famine.
The Teresh, Sherden, and Shekelesh fled Anatolian famine to live in Italy
Several myths claim Italy was settled by travelers from Asia Minor. Famine is the likely cause of the migration and is confirmed by multiple sources. These migrants may be the Sea People who attacked the Hittites, Egypt, the Levant, and Greece while on their way to Italy.
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were migrants fleeing famine.
Scientific and written evidence proves there was severe drought and famine
There is an increasingly large body of evidence that the Late Bronze Age was unusually hot and dry. Written evidence from Anatolia and the Levant suggests severe food shortages. The Sea People were likely migrants fleeing famine.
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Who were the Sea People who attacked Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age Collapse?
The Sea People were bandits and raiders.
Changes in Late Bronze Age warfare led to extensive raiding
For most of the Bronze Age, warfare was fought by armies of charioteers funded by kings. New tactics made use of heavily armored infantrymen (the precursors of the Greek phalanx). This change gave a tactical advantage to small warbands and raiders, undermining the power of Bronze Age palatial kings.
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This page was last edited on Wednesday, 4 Nov 2020 at 08:47 UTC