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Have emojis changed the world?
No, the impact of emojis is exaggerated.
Emoji use reflects the contexts and identities of their users.
Research shows that emoji use between different populations reflects social, cultural and other contextual specificities unique to each group.
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Have emojis changed the world?
Yes, emojis have transformed human relationships.
Emojis define and restrict emotional range in communication
There are a limited number of emojis. Therefore, as people increasingly use them to express emotions, their emotional range becomes defined (and restricted) by available emojis.
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Have emojis changed the world?
Yes, emojis have transformed human relationships.
People subconsciously judge others based on emoji use
Research shows that people now make assumptions about other people and their personalities, based on their emojis use.
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This page was last edited on Monday, 26 Oct 2020 at 13:15 UTC