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Should transgender people use the bathroom that matches their identity?
Transgender people should not use the bathroom that matches their identity
Transgender people are dangerous to cis women
Trans women are more dangerous and predatory than cis women, cis men could also take advantage of the law to gain access to female restrooms
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be funded wholly by the government
The equity of no-cost education
For some, the cost of tertiary education is a barrier to entry that can be removed through increased funding.
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be funded wholly by the government
Endowment funding
Some public tertiary education systems have accounts with as much as $30.9 billion that are seldom used.
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Is a world without any borders a good idea?
Yes, we should abolish all borders
Moral Case: Borders are a form of global discrimination
Rather than acting as a form of protection for nation-states, borders create and exacerbate global inequality. Borders preserve the privileges of wealthier countries and are a form of global apartheid.
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What are the pros and cons of democracy?
The pros of democracy
Democracy advocates for equality
Whether it be equal access to resources such as education or medical care, or equal representation and voting rights, or equal opportunities to improve oneself and raise one's social and economic standing, democracy advocates for equality.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC