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How do we think about the George Floyd murder?
Society creates the nation: George Floyd's murder exposes America’s deepening social cleavages
The George Floyd protests are part of the fight for truth
As this crisis balloons, it is clear that is does not exist alone. It exists alongside Covid, the China trade war, and other big issues of the moment. Why? It is ultimately an issue of truth: in all of these situations, anger, fear and distrust grow as leadership obscures the truth and replaces it with propagandising lies. The problem here is that trust in the state and law enforcement is now so eroded, there is no clear exit route. Proponents include Yahoo! Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer.
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How do we think about the George Floyd murder?
Society creates the nation: George Floyd's murder exposes America’s deepening social cleavages
The riots have exposed a contradiction in American values - a contradiction perpetuated by right-wing politics
America prides itself in being the 'land of the free,' and yet George Floyd's murder is one in a long list of black Americans who do not enjoy that freedom. The denial of racism in America by many right-wing politicians only perpetuates the grave injustice.
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Is violence always wrong?
No, violence is not always wrong
People have a right to violently protest
Many communities cannot take a peaceful approach to fight injustice because authorities will harm marginalized communities. To have their voice heard during policy-making decisions, violent protesting is justified.
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How do we think about the George Floyd murder?
Our freedom is at stake: George Floyd's murder exposes a crisis of civil liberties
Stopping the George Floyd protests is unpatriotic
The problem with the police and military shutdowns of these protests is a constitutional one. It is a direct violation of the ensured right to free speech. The fact that these orders are coming from the President illustrates a dangerous shift towards a nation deprived of its fundamental rights. Once the right to protest has been taken away, our civil liberties hang by a thread; and so does what it means to be an American.
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This page was last edited on Friday, 30 Oct 2020 at 14:10 UTC