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Is psychology a real science?
Psychology is a real science
Psychology can predict human behaviors
Just as hard sciences can predict outcomes based on their findings, so can psychology predict human behaviors based on experience.
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Have emojis changed the world?
Yes, emojis have transformed human relationships.
People subconsciously judge others based on emoji use
Research shows that people now make assumptions about other people and their personalities, based on their emojis use.
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Have emojis changed the world?
Yes, emojis have transformed human relationships.
Emojis have created new brain patterns in humans which help decode meaning
Recognizing symbols is an aspect of the human brain which has now evolved. Humans can correctly identify the intended meaning of ambiguous sentences which are enhanced by emojis for emphasis.
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Have emojis changed the world?
No, the impact of emojis is limited to communication.
Emojis are simply non-verbal cues in online communication.
Most of the meaning conveyed in face to face communication is delivered via non-verbal cues. Emojis are the natural graduation of those signs into written language.
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Have emojis changed the world?
Yes, emojis have transformed human relationships.
Emojis define and restrict emotional range in communication
There are a limited number of emojis. Therefore, as people increasingly use them to express emotions, their emotional range becomes defined (and restricted) by available emojis.
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Is psychology a real science?
Psychology is a real science
Psychology follows the scientific method
Psychology follows the same steps to obtaining conclusions as in any scientific field. Therefore it is, by definition, a science.
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Is psychology a real science?
Psychology is not a real science
Psychology's findings are inconclusive
Even though psychology follows the scientific method, the conclusions that it reaches are only theoretical at best.
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Is psychology a real science?
Psychology is not a real science
Researchers can fudge their results
The conclusions reached by researchers in psychology can be altered to suit the needs of the researcher and can be unreliable.
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Is psychology a real science?
Psychology is a science, but not a hard one
Psychology studies only abstract phenomenons.
Psychology studies human behavior, which is an intangible product of the mind.
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Is psychology a real science?
Psychology is not a real science
Psychology doesn't have an agreed upon central body of knowledge
Unlike each of the hard sciences, psychology fails to deliver a concrete body of knowledge that is universally agreed upon by professionals in the field.
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Is psychology a real science?
Psychology is a real science
Psychology gains knowledge through experience
Knowledge is the end product which science strives to find. It can be gained not only by logic, but by experience as well.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC