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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
This is a false dichotomy
Hardline economism is obscuring the reality of coronavirus
Increasingly, political analyses use statistics and economic forecasts to make decisions. But these can be extremely misleading.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
Failings within the CDC
The CDC was responsible for providing coronavirus testing kits to citizens, and acted too late.
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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
Government resources are better spent on public health
The role of the state is to protect its citizens
Human life is sacred, the economy is not. The government should look after the health and safety of citizens first. If everyone is too sick to work, the economy's health won't matter.
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Should LGBTQ+ vote for Trump or Biden?
LGBTQ+ people should vote for Donald Trump.
Trump will end the international criminalization of homosexuality
Homosexuality is illegal in 73 countries. The Trump Administration will seek to make it legal across the world through diplomatic efforts.
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Should LGBTQ+ vote for Trump or Biden?
LGBTQ+ people should vote for Donald Trump.
Trump supported LGBTQ rights before being elected president
Trump has a long track record of supporting LGBTQ rights before he even considered running for president.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
President Trump chose not to act
The President claimed the threat posed by COVID-19 was exaggerated to avoid taking decisive action.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
Putting the economy first
Prioritising economic growth at all costs has led to poor policy decisions.
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How accurate are claims that the US election is rigged?
Claims that the US election is rigged are not accurate at all
Electoral fraud is extremely rare
Claims that the US election is rigged are not accurate at all. The claims of the Trump campaign regarding electoral fraud are often made without much evidence, and are therefore questionable at best.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
The FDA acted indecisively
The US Food and Drug Administration failed to act in the interest of the population.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Weak existing infrastructure
An exclusive healthcare system
The US healthcare system naturally excludes most Americans. Negotiating this situation during a pandemic confused policymakers.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Neither candidate will do enough for the environment
Both candidates take money from energy executives.
Candidates need to be unbiased by donations from oil, gas, or coal companies.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Donald Trump will be better for the environment
Trump will protect public lands
Trump designated new wilderness areas during his first term.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Neither candidate will do enough for the environment
Neither candidate denounces nuclear power reactors.
Nuclear waste disposal is a long-term threat to environmental safety.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Neither candidate will do enough for the environment
Neither candidate has a 100% green transportation policy plan.
To support the environment, candidates must disinvest from the auto industry and invest in public transport.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Neither candidate will do enough for the environment
Neither candidate supports zero waste.
The U.S. should follow clean production and principles of zero waste.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
No, the Trump administration has failed in its response to COVID-19
President Trump downplayed the risk of the pandemic, misleading U.S. citizens and causing them to turn away from precautionary measures
President Trump has left the United States with very little guidance when it comes to COVID-19. He assures the population that the virus will disappear on its own and questions whether a vaccine is entirely necessary. This misinformation confuses the public, seeing as medical professionals’ advice is inconsistent with his own. They claim the virus is far more lethal than President Trump believes.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Donald Trump will be better for the environment
Trump will expand hunting and fishing access
Trump has expanded hunting and fishing access on public lands during his first term.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
No, the Trump administration has failed in its response to COVID-19
Trump closed the pandemic response unit and created a COVID-19 task force in its place which caters to his goals rather than to the health of the nation
Both the Obama and Trump administrations saw the need for reorganization of the expansive National Security Council. However, President Trump’s condensing of the directorates led to negligence and prioritization of issues other than COVID-19. With a smaller task force, President Trump finds it easier to take control over public communication about the virus, even if dismissive of medical advice.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
Yes, the Trump Administration has responded well to the Coronavirus
President Trump recognized the economic impact of COVID-19 on U.S. citizens and offered a stimulus package to support workers and businesses
COVID-19 has put U.S. citizens out of work who depend on regular paychecks to get by. President Trump also anticipated the damage the pandemic would do on businesses, keeping out-of-work customers from using their services. The president issued a $1200 stimulus check in April and business have already seen significant improvement despite the pandemic.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
No, the Trump administration has failed in its response to COVID-19
President Trump delayed critical response to COVID-19 and only did the bare minimum, which led the United States into a health crisis that could have been curtailed
Although President Trump received enough information to imply an incoming pandemic, he chose only to block flights from China, overconfident that the virus would fizzle out. As a result, time was lost, the US population is at heightened risk, and the United States is behind other nations which started testing and planning for a vaccine far earlier.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Donald Trump will be better for the environment
Trump will provide clean-up grants to communities
Trump has provided communities with Brownfield grants to help them clean up hazardous waste.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Donald Trump will be better for the environment
Trump will protect air quality
Trump has improved air quality EPA standards.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Donald Trump will be better for the environment
Trump will prioritize restoration projects
Donald Trump has a record of prioritizing land restoration projects during his first term in office.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Donald Trump will be better for the environment
Trump will reduce marine debris
The President supported and signed the Save Our Seas Act.
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What are the pros and cons of Populism in politics?
Populism means healthy politics
The growth of Populism represents a working democracy
Healthy democracy depends on representing all perspectives. The rise of Populism is therefore symptomatic of democracy in action.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Donald Trump will be better for the environment
Trump will clean up hazardous sites
Trump has a record of protecting hazardous waste sites.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the environment?
Donald Trump will be better for the environment
Trump will improve forest management
Trump has worked with Federal and State officials to prevent forest fires.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC