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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust can be forgiven
Normal people were simply following orders during the Holocaust
When faced with the option of kill or be killed, Nazi soldiers had no choice but to follow the orders given to them.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven because everyone has a conscience
Everyone has a conscience that guides their moral choices. The Nazis blatantly killed the Jews by choice, so they cannot be forgiven.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven unless the perpetrators repent
Nazis do not deserve forgiveness because they cannot possibly repay for the trauma and death that they inflicted upon innocent people. They should not be granted any form of unmerited forgiveness.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven because perpetrators have not faced justice for their actions
Following the Holocaust, perpetrators involved in torturing the Jews and others fled the justice system. A Naxi that refuses to face the consequences of their actions should not be forgiven.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven because it is not our place to forgive
It is not up to society to forgive the Nazis for the Holocaust. The responsibility of whether or not to forgive should only be answered by the victims themselves.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust can be forgiven
Holocaust perpetrators were brainwashed so they can be forgiven
Soldiers and impressionable children were undoubtedly a target of the Nazi regime. They were brainwashed into believing that what they were doing was for the good of Germany.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust can be forgiven
Refusing to forgive the Holocaust gives more power to the oppressor
It is far more empowering to forgive someone by your own choice rather than waiting for the perpetrator to ask for forgiveness. By doing so, this puts the victim's healing in their own hands.
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This page was last edited on Wednesday, 11 Nov 2020 at 15:21 UTC