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Can plastic products be replaced with eco friendly options?
Yes, plastic products can be replaced with eco friendly options
No, plastic products can't be replaced with eco friendly options
There's many substitute materials that mimic plastic and its versatility
Plastic should be replaced for the planet's health
Cellulose is a type of natural plastic extracted from wood, not oil
There's no substance currently known that has the same versatility of plastic
Plastics are irreplaceable due to their vital uses in jobs like the medical field
Conversations about single use plastics rarely include the views of disabled people
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Can plastic products be replaced with eco friendly options?
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No, plastic products can't be replaced with eco friendly options
(2 of 2)
Conversations about single use plastics rarely include the views of disabled people
(3 of 3)
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This page was last edited on Friday, 18 Dec 2020 at 17:29 UTC
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There's no substance currently known that has the same versatility of plastic
Plastics are irreplaceable due to their vital uses in jobs like the medical field