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Is social media being used to target the disenfranchised in swing states?
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Disinformation was circulated online during the 2020 presidential primaries

Social media is being used to target the disenfranchised in swing states. During the presidential primaries in early 2020, disinformation regarding election dates was circulated to target certain groups of the population.
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The Argument

Disinformation about voting was circulated online during the 2020 presidential primaries. This is especially pertinent as many more voters than usual have been reliant on the internet for election information due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. On "Super Tuesday", the US presidential primary election day in March when a number of US states hold primary elections and caucuses, disinformation across several states was spread. For example, one tweet targeted supporters of Kentucky candidate Matt Bevin read, “Bevin supporters do not forget to vote on Wednesday, November 6th!”[1] During a Florida congressional primary in August, a number of voters also received texts with a link to a YouTube video falsely presented as a Republican candidates’ announcement that he had dropped out.[2]

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This page was last edited on Saturday, 24 Oct 2020 at 16:44 UTC

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