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Who was Jack the Ripper?
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DNA linked Kosminski to the Ripper's fourth victim

Mitochondrial DNA found on a shawl belonging to Cathering Eddowes was a match for Aaron Kosminski.
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The Argument

The Ripper case remained unsolved for over a century after the murders, but scientific and historical interest in Jack the Ripper did not disappear even after the Ripper and all others involved in the case had died. In 2019, a peer-reviewed study was published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences based on DNA analysis of samples taken from a shawl found near the body of Jack the Ripper's fourth canonical victim, Catherine Eddowes. The genetic analysis indicated a match between the mitochondrial DNA found on the shawl and the DNA of Ripper suspect Aaron Kosminski. This hard physical evidence indicates that Kosminski was Jack the Ripper.

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