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Does political correctness harm society?
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People characterize political correctness as a derogatory term to silence others

If a person claims that their speech faces backlash because it breaks the status quo, they can deflect criticism of it.
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The Argument

In public discourse, prominent individuals often face criticism for their statements, particularly those that target disadvantaged groups of people. The criticized person then blames political correctness for their comment's unpopularity. This is because it is much easier to blame larger, cultural perceptions of propriety for your position's unpopularity than it is to defend the position's merit. Intrinsically, political correctness is not negative. It simply implies conforming to understood norms of language and behavior that prevent making the disadvantaged uncomfortable. By blaming political correctness to deflect criticism, people have selfishly demonized a positive concept. [1]In this way, people have given political correctness a negative connotation.

Counter arguments

Although some individuals might disparage political correctness for selfish reasons, it is wrong to assume that every critic of this standard is motivated in this way. Many could genuinely be distressed by political correctness, recognizing its restrictive nature and potential to harm our communities. The ill-intentioned criticism of political correctness does not negate valid concern about this standard.



[P1] People disparage political correctness to silence criticism and unappealing social activism.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Friday, 5 Jun 2020 at 11:49 UTC

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