Gender is not the point
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Requiring gender pronouns is an affront to free speech
The trans movement is being co-opted by radical activists with a political and social agenda.
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The Argument
Legislation and campus reform requiring people to use pronouns of a given individual’s choosing is an extraordinarily dangerous precedent. Language and social mores that have evolved organically have never needed laws in order to do so. This is a deliberate attempt to curtail and control free speech and, ironically, expression. The activists speaking on the part of the transgender population are seldom, if ever, truly affected by the debate in any real way; their outrage is feigned and overblown with the aim of virtue signaling, controlling free speech, and of furthering an agenda. It is apparent in the way bills in governing bodies use the weight of the law to force people’s hand in this matter. The concept and use of fabricated genders cannot survive in daily parlance without that.
Counter arguments
The refusal to use a transgender person’s preferred pronouns is a denial of their human rights.
[P1] Laws enforcing the use of alternative pronouns jeopardize freedom of speech, pave the way for imprisonment for misgendering in cases where the defendant is deemed in contempt of court.
[P2] The ferocity and momentum of the movement are not organic.
Rejecting the premises
[Rejecting P1] The true infringement on human rights is the denial of trans peoples' right to have their pronouns respected.