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2020 US Election

The 2020 United States elections are scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate, and the office of President of the United States will be contested. Thirteen state and territorial governorships, as well as numerous other state and local elections, will also be contested.

Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party nominated their respective presidential tickets at party conventions held in late August. Incumbent president Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, and had few opponents in the 2020 Republican Party presidential primaries. Joe Biden is the Democratic Party’s nominee after securing a majority of delegates in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries. Various third party and independent candidates, including Jo Jorgensen of the Libertarian Party and Howie Hawkins of the Green Party, are also seeking the presidency.

Democrats have held a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives since the 2018 elections, while Republicans have held control of the U.S. Senate since the 2014 elections. Barring vacancies and party-switching, Democrats will enter the election with control of approximately 232 of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives, while Republicans will enter the 2020 elections with control of 53 of the 100 seats in the Senate. All 33 Class 2 senators are up for election, and two states (Georgia and Arizona) are holding special elections for the Senate. The six non-voting congressional delegates from the District of Columbia and the permanently inhabited U.S. territories will also be elected.

Regularly-scheduled elections will be held in 86 of the 99 state legislative chambers, and eleven states will hold gubernatorial elections. Various other state executive and judicial elections will also occur. The outcome of these state elections will have a major impact on the redistricting cycle that will take place following the 2020 United States Census. Various referendums, tribal elections, and local elections, including numerous mayoral races, will also take place in 2020.

Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren is our best bet for a woman President
Warren is the best performing woman in the polls and it is time for America to have a woman President.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren offers big, structural change
Warren has repeatedly called for "big, structural change," something that is necessary if America is going to progress.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Pete Buttigieg
Buttigieg represents a combination of the old and new
Pete Buttigieg is the youngest candidate. He represents new blood. Pete Buttigieg better represents the American public.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Joe Biden
Joe Biden offers the most experience
Biden has the most experience in elected office of any major candidate this century.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg is an excellent fundraiser
Buttigieg has proved he can court both small and large donors with great success.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Tom Steyer
Tom Steyer is a political outsider
Steyer is a political outsider. This resonates with voters.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Amy Klobuchar
Amy Klobuchar can reclaim the Midwest
The 2016 election showed that the Democratic party is losing Midwestern voters. Klobuchar can change this.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang will introduce Universal Basic Income
Andrew Yang understands the coming technological disruption, and the need to rethink labor and income. He will address this by introducing Universal Basic Income (UBI).
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders has inspired a movement
Sanders does not only represent himself, but a progressive movement that has been forming since his 2016 candidacy.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders addresses climate change in the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal is one of the only proposed plans that scientists say aligns with what needs to be done to address Climate Change.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Joe Biden
Joe Biden can reach across the aisle
Biden has the ability to implement bipartisan legislation, which is more likely to pass than sweeping bills.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Tom Steyer
Tom Steyer puts his money where his mouth is
Steyer has spent millions on Democratic candidates, fighting climate change and direct action against Trumps administration
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Amy Klobuchar
Amy Klobuchar will tackle the opioid crisis and mental health
Klobuchar continually champions policies that will serve to curb America's drug epidemic and growing mental health issues.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Joe Biden
Joe Biden offers "a return to normalcy"
Biden promises a return to the Obama era, a time many Democrats dearly miss in the age of Trump.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang understands the importance of tech
Yang has considerable experience in the technology sector, and understands how important it is for the future of the economy.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Michael Bloomberg
Michael Bloomberg has led America's largest city
Bloomberg was the Mayor of New York City, giving him the governing experience necessary for the President of the United States.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Michael Bloomberg
Michael Bloomberg gives to positive causes
Bloomberg has given large amounts of money to gun control and climate change causes.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders will introduce Medicare for All
Sanders was an original sponsor of Medicare for All, making it a foundational part of his campaign.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg will get the rural vote.
Buttigieg understands the issues facing rural voters; he has successfully targeted the rural demographic and has an $80 billion plan in place to aid and improve these communities.
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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren has "a plan for that".
Warren has a comprehensive plan for every area. She is the most consistently prepared and knowledgeable Democratic candidate, as illustrated by her comprehensive, well-organized policies and rich academic history.
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This page was last edited on Monday, 26 Oct 2020 at 18:12 UTC