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Who should be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee?
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Elizabeth Warren has "a plan for that".

Warren has a comprehensive plan for every area. She is the most consistently prepared and knowledgeable Democratic candidate, as illustrated by her comprehensive, well-organized policies and rich academic history.
2020 US Election Elizabeth Warren


Described by the Wall Street Journal as "the candidate with a plan for everything", Warren's organised and decisive approach speaks volumes about her ability to be a stellar presidential candidate.

The Argument

Warren's constant preparedness speaks highly of the ways in she will be an exceptional President. While on the campaign trail, Warren has become notorious for her common refrain of "I have a plan for that".[1] The candidate continuously displays a thorough and comprehensive range of policies in her arsenal. Warren's history as an academic means that her plans are thoroughly researched, rather than simply being fanciful.

Counter arguments

When push comes to shove, planning is irrelevant: what is more important is a candidate that can beat Trump and get things done. Having a plan is not automatically the same as implementing a plan. Additionally, Warren's plans are expensive, resting on the belief they will be paid for by an ever-mounting series of taxes.[2]



[P1] Warren has a thorough and well-researched range of policies. [P2] Therefore, she is the best placed candidate to become President.

Rejecting the premises

[Rejecting P2] Having plans does not automatically make a good President.


This page was last edited on Friday, 5 Jun 2020 at 20:55 UTC

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