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Is abortion ethical?
Abortion is ethical
Is abortion ethical?
Abortion is ethical under certain circumstances
In cases of rape, abortion is ethical
In cases of rape, a woman never consented to raise a child, so she should not have to give birth to that child.
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Is abortion ethical?
Abortion is unethical
Abortion is unethical because of the right to life
A fetus has the full rights of an adult human. Therefore, it has the right to life and to not being killed.
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Is abortion ethical?
Abortion is unethical
Abortion is unethical because it is denying a future human a future
Though a fetus does not yet possess all of the rights of an adult human, it will eventually. By terminating the life a fetus you rob it of its future and all that it potential could have had and could have been.
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Is abortion ethical?
Abortion is ethical
Abortion is ethical because a fetus is not a person
Personhood requires a certain level of consciousness and rationality, of which a fetus is incapable. Therefore, it does not have the full rights of a human being.
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Is abortion ethical?
Abortion is ethical under certain circumstances
Abortion is ethical when the mother is in danger.
If during pregnancy, the mother's life is in danger, it is ethical to abort the child. As an adult who has an established life, it is worse to lose her than the child. Therefore, abortion is moral.
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Is abortion ethical?
Abortion is unethical
Abortion is unethical because abortion is against religion
God created life, and in many religious traditions, all life is sacred. Ending a life disrespects the creations of God and the sanctity of life.
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Is abortion ethical?
Abortion is ethical under certain circumstances
Abortion is ethical within a timeframe
While at conception, the embryo does not possess all the rights of a person, over the course of the pregnancy it will acquire those rights. Therefore, abortion is only ethical prior to the fetus becoming a person with rights.
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This page was last edited on Tuesday, 27 Oct 2020 at 13:33 UTC