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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
Government resources are better spent on public health
The strength of the economy depends on an able workforce
If additional funding is not put into protecting citizens from the coronavirus, the economy is doomed.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
Yes, the Trump Administration has responded well to the Coronavirus
President Trump recognized the economic impact of COVID-19 on U.S. citizens and offered a stimulus package to support workers and businesses
COVID-19 has put U.S. citizens out of work who depend on regular paychecks to get by. President Trump also anticipated the damage the pandemic would do on businesses, keeping out-of-work customers from using their services. The president issued a $1200 stimulus check in April and business have already seen significant improvement despite the pandemic.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
No, the Trump administration has failed in its response to COVID-19
President Trump downplayed the risk of the pandemic, misleading U.S. citizens and causing them to turn away from precautionary measures
President Trump has left the United States with very little guidance when it comes to COVID-19. He assures the population that the virus will disappear on its own and questions whether a vaccine is entirely necessary. This misinformation confuses the public, seeing as medical professionals’ advice is inconsistent with his own. They claim the virus is far more lethal than President Trump believes.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
No, the Trump administration has failed in its response to COVID-19
Trump closed the pandemic response unit and created a COVID-19 task force in its place which caters to his goals rather than to the health of the nation
Both the Obama and Trump administrations saw the need for reorganization of the expansive National Security Council. However, President Trump’s condensing of the directorates led to negligence and prioritization of issues other than COVID-19. With a smaller task force, President Trump finds it easier to take control over public communication about the virus, even if dismissive of medical advice.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
The flawed US health and social system is to blame for bad preparation for COVID-19
There are large numbers of people with no health insurance in the US
In the United States, healthcare is a privilege of the wealthy. It is not a right. This has exacerbated the devastating effects of the Coronavirus, especially as millions of Americans lose their jobs.
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Has the Trump administration responded well to COVID-19?
The flawed US health and social system is to blame for bad preparation for COVID-19
The US Health system is flawed and not value for money
The lack of free healthcare in the United States made the Coronavirus pandemic much worse than it would have otherwise been. Countries with free healthcare for their citizens have dealt with Covid-19 better.
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Should healthcare be free?
No, healthcare shouldn't be free
Free healthcare leaves the healthiest footing the bill
Under a taxpayer-funded health system, the healthiest foot the bill for the unhealthiest.
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Should healthcare be free?
No, healthcare shouldn't be free
Free healthcare means worse quality
It is impossible to have high-quality healthcare without paying high healthcare costs. Free healthcare will inevitably mean a sacrifice in quality.
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Should healthcare be free?
No, healthcare shouldn't be free
Free healthcare is unnecessary
Free healthcare isn't necessary when most people can already afford to pay for their healthcare.
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Should healthcare be free?
No, healthcare shouldn't be free
Free healthcare encourages waste
When people aren't paying for something from their own pocket, they are more inclined to abuse it and take it for granted.
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Should healthcare be free?
Yes, healthcare should be free
Free healthcare leads to less inequality
Poorer segments of the population tend to suffer from more lifestyle-induced health complications. In a for-profit system, this increases inequality.
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Should healthcare be free?
Yes, healthcare should be free
Free healthcare saves lives
A nation should take actions that save the most lives and protect the most people. Free healthcare saves lives and protects people.
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Should healthcare be free?
Yes, healthcare should be free
Free healthcare is a human right
Good health is a basic essential for human survival. It is a basic human right and should, therefore, be free to all.
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Should healthcare be free?
Yes, healthcare should be free
Free healthcare prevents financial exploitation
If medical professionals can charge consumers directly it creates the perfect conditions for exploitation.
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Should healthcare be free?
Yes, healthcare should be free
Free healthcare is cheaper
First-world countries with universal centralized or 2-tier healthcare tend to spend less money Per Capita and achieve better personal care, lower infant mortality and longer lifespans than those with just private healthcare.
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Should healthcare be free?
Yes, healthcare should be free
Free healthcare is better prepared to deal with pandemics
The full coverage provided by free health care is essential to reduce the propagation rate of viral diseases
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Should healthcare be free?
Yes, healthcare should be free
Free healthcare creates economic productivity
In societies where healthcare is provided for free, workers are more productive.
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Should healthcare be free?
Yes, healthcare should be free
Free healthcare has proven to work in many countries
Most developed countries provide free healthcare to their citizens. Free healthcare has been proven to work based on several metrics such as treatment costs, average hospital stay, and readmission rates.
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Should healthcare be free?
No, healthcare shouldn't be free
Free healthcare disincentivizes making good choices
Under a health system that is free at the point of use, there is no financial incentive to make good health choices. It runs the risk of people seeking out danger because they will be taken care of it anything goes wrong.
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Should healthcare be free?
No, healthcare shouldn't be free
Free healthcare may create sedentary and irresponsible lifestyle
Humans would be living without taking care of their health since complementary health services are always available. Therefore, the awareness of being active in living healthily may be taken away.
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This page was last edited on Monday, 26 Oct 2020 at 13:45 UTC