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Should the monarchy be abolished?
Yes, we should abolish the monarchy
The monarchy reinforces the class system in Britain
The existence of the monarchy affirms class divisions which are particularly entrenched in the UK.
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Who is Prince Philip?
Prince Philip is a controversial figure
Prince Philip is a unabashed racist
The Prince has been known for his racially insensitive comments, including "Still throwing spears?" to Australian Aboriginals.
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Who is Prince Philip?
Prince Philip is a controversial figure
Prince Philip is a old school sexist
The Prince has made a innumerable comments laying bear his old-fashioned and prejudiced views on women, such as 'British women can't cook'.
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Who is Prince Philip?
Prince Philip is a controversial figure
Prince Philip is a philanderer
The press has long accused the Prince of having passionate affairs during his marriage, including with a showgirl in the 1950s.
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Who is Prince Philip?
Prince Philip is a family man
Prince Philip is a loving husband.
In 1947, Philip married the Queen after an adolescent courtship. They have weathered the end of the British Empire, the Cold War, the fall of communism, and so much more. In more than seven decades of marriage, he has remained devoted to his wife.
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Who is Prince Philip?
Prince Philip is a family man
Prince Philip is a caring grandfather
Prince Philip shows his dedication to his family through his grandchildren.
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Who is Prince Philip?
Prince Philip is a family man
Prince Philip is a dedicated father
Prince Philip raised four children with the Queen and has stuck by them through scandal, divorce, and even calls for their extradition. That kind of dedication is an absolute rarity.
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Who is Prince Philip?
Prince Philip is a deity
Cargo cults view the Prince as a God
Because of a prophecy and US troops' impact on Pacific Island nations, many of these cultures believe the Prince is an ancient deity. Vanuatu's Kastom people worship Prince Philip as the second coming of their God.
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This page was last edited on Monday, 26 Oct 2020 at 14:57 UTC