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The Great Gatsby

What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about wealth
The Great Gatsby is about old money vs. new money
Characters are defined by having old money or new money, even dividing what neighborhood they live in: East Egg or West Egg.
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What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about love
The Great Gatsby is about Jay Gatsby's love for Daisy Buchanan
Jay Gatsby is only motivated by his love for Daisy Buchanan.
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What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about death
Jay Gatsby’s death is symbolic of the demise of the great American dream.
The American dream expounds that through hard-work anyone can find success and happiness. However, when Gatsby died, he eliminated this possibility for all the characters. Nick lost his ties with the elite, Daisy lost her opportunity to find true love, and ultimately Gatsby’s death ushered the death of the American dream.
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What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about love
The Great Gatsby is about Nick Carraway exploring his sexuality
Throughout the novel, Nick was involved in suggestive scenes with both men and women but did not have a lasting romantic relationship with anyone. This serves as a nod to his journey in exploring his sexuality.
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What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about social class
Jay Gatsby's parties symbolize the shallowness of the upper class in The Great Gatsby
Gatsby's parties were the hub for upper-class society. He throws huge weekly parties with many upper-class attendees, but has next-to-no friends; no one knows anything about him or how he came by his money and he does not seem inclined to share this information with anyone. It shows the shallowness of the upper-class and the fact that they are obsessed with wealth.
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What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about the American dream
The Great Gatsby is about The Roaring Twenties
The Roaring Twenties was a time of wealth, glamour, and having a high social status.
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What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about death
Myrtle Wilson's death is one of the main themes of the Great Gatsby
The death of Myrtle Wilson triggered other tragic events.
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What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about social class
Jay Gatsby's rise to wealth and popularity shows that social class is the theme of the Great Gatsby
Gatsby started as a "penniless young man" then grew in wealth and society.
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What are the themes of The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby is about the American dream
The Great Gatsby is about materialism
The American dream is about buying items that display wealth.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC