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What are the most effective work from home practices during COVID-19?
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A designated work space ensures productivity.

Setting up an organized and separate work space helps one remain focused and productive. It also helps maintain a healthy work-life balance.
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The Argument

In Environmental psychology ‘Place Identity’ is defined as the relationship one forms with their surroundings. It is developed through everyday experiences in a physical space and has a profound effect on their personal attitudes and social behaviors not only in that particular place but also on the way they perceive other places. ‘Place attachment’ is another such concept which revolves around the way different places can influence the development of identity and behaviors related to it.[1] The global spread of highly infectious and contagious COVID-19 virus has limited our accessibility to such places which form a part of our routine and identity and put into effect working from home. While most of us view homes as a place of comfort and warmth, this very identity and attachment we form with the place can be a hindrance in achieving maximum work potential. A designated workplace helps conquer some challenges which can arise due to this. It acts as a catalyst by giving us a ‘sense of place’[2] which initiates work mode and helps focus. It fosters a feeling of normalcy also aids in maintenance of a healthy work-life balance which is quite often lost in work from home conditions due to ease of accessibility, especially in such times where it is important to keep ourselves distracted from the pandemic blues.

Counter arguments

While setting up a designated office space may help boost productivity. The ability to spare a space like that may not be possible for many. This could be due to a variety of reasons ranging from compact housing spaces to living with people who fall in age groups more susceptible to the COVID 19 virus.This is also not a viable solution for those having bigger families.


Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Friday, 26 Jun 2020 at 16:01 UTC

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