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Is violence always wrong?
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Interpersonal and community violence is always wrong

Interpersonal violence refers to threatening or abusive behaviors from family members and partners, including child maltreatment, resulting in physical or psychological harm.
Ethics Violence

The Argument

Abuse in relationships can be hard to recognize as it can be often subtle and manipulative, but repetitive. Some red flags of emotional abuse are name-calling, lack of empathy, and gaslighting, which can eventually lead to physical violence. [1] Abuse between partners can also include sexual assault, refusal to use protection, and sharing private photos without consent. [2]Domestic violence leads to low birth weight and premature birth of a baby, an increased rate of sexually transmitted diseases, and mental health damage. Globally, 38% of women are murdered by their parents; the equivalent for men is 6%. The WHO estimates that in England and Wales, there are two million victims a year of domestic violence. [3] In the United States, more than 15 million children have experienced violence in their community. These children are at a greater risk of repeating the same cycles as adults by entering into abusive relationships or becoming abusive parents. Children who witness or are victims of violence are at greater risk of having low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety disorders. [4] Violence within the community is wrong because it leads to a never-ending cycle of abuse, if not treated. There are no exceptions to why such violence should be inflicted in the first place.

Counter arguments

Violence against children is good for disciplining them. It teaches them endurance and how to avoid making the same mistakes again. Parents and school teachers often employ violence as it is believed that it results in positive discipline. [5]



Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 11 Nov 2020 at 15:18 UTC

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