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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Predators born in zoos are likely to die if released
Predatory animals born in captivity are unlikely to survive if released into their natural habitat.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos are created for profit
Zoos force animals to provide entertainment for people.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos are unethical because they are dangerous for animals
Keeping animals in captivity disrespects their intelligence and puts them at risk of abuse. Humans do not have the right to trap animals in enclosures for the benefit of our own entertainment and research needs.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos conserve endangered species
Zoos protect animals that have the threat of becoming extinct.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos educate about exotic animals
People learn more information about exotic animals while visiting zoos.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos provide research opportunities
Scientists are able to study and better understand animals and their natural environments.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoos provide quick and advanced medical care
Captive animals are able to get the medical care they need.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
No, coronavirus is easing religious tensions
The nation stands as one
Shows of solidarity are growing as the country comes together to beat the virus.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
No, zoos are good
Zoo animals have a longer life expectancy
Captive animals tend to live longer than their wild counterparts.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoo animals attack people
There have been many reported cases of animals injuring people at zoos.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos give animals poor health
Living in captivity is terrible for an animal's health.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos have inadequate living conditions
Ultimately, zoos would have to go to great architectural and environmental lengths to provide the animals with sufficient living space. Zoos cannot give an animal the environment it needs due to monetary and geographical circumstance.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
Yes, the marketplace of ideas works
The marketplace of ideas works, but is compromised
Online bias is sabotaging the free exchange of ideas. There is no such thing as impartiality on the internet.
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Are zoos ethical in the modern age?
Yes, zoos are bad
Zoos remove animals from their environment
Placing animals in zoos removes them from their natural environment.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
Yes, the marketplace of ideas works
The marketplace of ideas has a clear legal significance
The marketplace of ideas has been used in countless legal cases to defend free speech. The marketplace of ideas has impacted the rules by which we live.
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Does multiculturalism help societies?
Yes, multiculturalism allows for a melting pot of cultures
Multiculturalism builds knowledge
Many cultures compile their own stockpile of knowledge, whether it be old wives' tales or medicinal tricks. With multiculturalism, many more people would have these valuable tips at their disposal.
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Is violence always wrong?
Yes, violence is always wrong
Violence harms innocent people
Violence subjects innocent people into suffering. For instance, collective violence is the use of violence by a group of people against another group to achieve political, economic, or social gain. It often results in a large conflict where innocent children and women are targeted.
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Is violence always wrong?
Yes, violence is always wrong
Self-directed violence is always wrong
The violence that is inflicted upon oneself can lead to suicide or physical disability. Such harm can be in the shape of physical torture, like cutting, electrocuting, or passively harming oneself.
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Is violence always wrong?
Yes, violence is always wrong
Violence is irrational and an expression of the ego
Crimes are often committed by people who want to further their personal interests. It helps boost their ego rather than hoping to gain any monetary or political gain. For such people, the cause of the crime is less important than the very act of violence leading to the crime.
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Is violence always wrong?
No, violence is not always wrong
People have a right to violently protest
Many communities cannot take a peaceful approach to fight injustice because authorities will harm marginalized communities. To have their voice heard during policy-making decisions, violent protesting is justified.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven because everyone has a conscience
Everyone has a conscience that guides their moral choices. The Nazis blatantly killed the Jews by choice, so they cannot be forgiven.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven unless the perpetrators repent
Nazis do not deserve forgiveness because they cannot possibly repay for the trauma and death that they inflicted upon innocent people. They should not be granted any form of unmerited forgiveness.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven because perpetrators have not faced justice for their actions
Following the Holocaust, perpetrators involved in torturing the Jews and others fled the justice system. A Naxi that refuses to face the consequences of their actions should not be forgiven.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven
The Holocaust cannot be forgiven because it is not our place to forgive
It is not up to society to forgive the Nazis for the Holocaust. The responsibility of whether or not to forgive should only be answered by the victims themselves.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust can be forgiven
Normal people were simply following orders during the Holocaust
When faced with the option of kill or be killed, Nazi soldiers had no choice but to follow the orders given to them.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust can be forgiven
Holocaust perpetrators were brainwashed so they can be forgiven
Soldiers and impressionable children were undoubtedly a target of the Nazi regime. They were brainwashed into believing that what they were doing was for the good of Germany.
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Can the Holocaust be forgiven?
The Holocaust can be forgiven
Refusing to forgive the Holocaust gives more power to the oppressor
It is far more empowering to forgive someone by your own choice rather than waiting for the perpetrator to ask for forgiveness. By doing so, this puts the victim's healing in their own hands.
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Is violence always wrong?
Yes, violence is always wrong
Interpersonal and community violence is always wrong
Interpersonal violence refers to threatening or abusive behaviors from family members and partners, including child maltreatment, resulting in physical or psychological harm.
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Is violence always wrong?
Yes, violence is always wrong
Violence can result in lifelong consequences
The physical and psychological impact of violence can last for years if untreated. Although many individuals are hospitalized because of violence inflicted on them, or their exposure to it from any degree, many victims still find it difficult to recover from their trauma.
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Is violence always wrong?
No, violence is not always wrong
Humans are inherently violent
Human violence is not a contemporary concept, but it is deeply rooted in our ancient history. It has shaped our physical characteristics as well as our brain mechanisms. However, that doesn't mean people are allowed to be violent to each other without any cause.
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Is violence always wrong?
No, violence is not always wrong
Violence for self-defense is necessary
People have a right to use force or violence to defend their own lives or someone else who might be in danger. Violence in potentially dangerous situations is necessary to neutralize threats and save one's life from harm. Many laws support and protect such type of violence.
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Is violence always wrong?
Violence can be justified depending on the reason
Violence as an act of self-defense is warranted
Responding with violence in self-defense to save yourself from an outside threat can be justified.
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Is violence always wrong?
No, violence is not always wrong
Violence is necessary for peace and power
Although violence is a complex concept, it is sometimes understood to be a threat that can ensure peace for years. The looming dangers of war have allowed countries to calmly deal with conflict and find resolutions that move away from violence.
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Does multiculturalism help societies?
Yes, multiculturalism allows for a melting pot of cultures
People are able to witness different cultures
If each society were homogeneous in its culture, people would never be exposed to other traditions. When heterogeneity is introduced in a society, people witness differences between their own culture and others. This inspires an appreciation for one's own culture, an interest and curiosity to learn about others, and a powerful social dynamic of group interaction.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC