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Should sex education be taught in schools?
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Sex education creates a more inclusive environment

A comprehensive sex education program that includes LGBTQ+ relationships helps make schools more inclusive.
Education Sex Sexuality


In schools where LGBTQ+ matters were taught as part of the sexual education curriculum, Homosexual, lesbian and transgender students feel safer at school and more broadly students attending the school report feeling safer.

The Argument

GLSEN’s National School Climate Survey revealed that 63% of LGBTQ+ students feel unsafe in the school setting. However, in schools where LGBTQ+ relationships were included as part of the sexual education instruction, less than half of LGBTQ+ students felt unsafe at school.[1] Teaching teens about LGBTQ+ relationships can make schools more inclusive by removing some of the negative stigma associated with homosexuality, transgenderism and lesbianism. For this reason, a comprehensive sexual education program should be taught in schools. This also extends beyond the LGBTQ+ community. Schools that teach a comprehensive sex education program, including same-sex relationships and consent, have lower suicide rates, lower rates of depression, lower rates of sexual assault and reduced anxiety among students.[2]

Counter arguments



[P1] Comprehensive school sex ed programs make schools safer. [P2] Therefore, schools should teach sex eduction.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 4 Nov 2020 at 17:12 UTC

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