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What are the themes of The Catcher in the Rye?
The Catcher in the Rye is about sexuality
Holden Caulfield hires a prostitute
In chapter 13, Holden accepts an offer from an elevator operator to have a prostitute sent to his hotel room. Before she arrives, Holden contemplates his history of failed sexual experiences. When he is unable to have sex, he gets angry and frustrated and blames Sunny for making him depressed.
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What are the themes of The Catcher in the Rye?
The Catcher in the Rye is about sexuality
Mr. Antolini
Holden Caulfield has a questionable encounter with his former teacher, Mr. Antolini.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
No, sex education should not be taught in schools
Sex education is a waste of valuable class time
Classroom time would be better spent on subjects that parents can't teach effectively.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
No, sex education should not be taught in schools
Sex education leaves teens vulnerable to sexual assault
The way sex education is taught in a school setting leaves young adults vulnerable to sexual exploitation.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
No, sex education should not be taught in schools
Sex education unnecessarily teaches an innate behavior
Humans have managed perfectly well for millennia without formal sexual instruction. Why teach something that is innate?
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
Yes, sex education should be taught in schools
Teachers should administer sex education
Teachers have committed their lives to educating children and teens. They can communicate far more effectively than parents.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
Yes, sex education should be taught in schools
Sex education creates a more inclusive environment
A comprehensive sex education program that includes LGBTQ+ relationships helps make schools more inclusive.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
No, sex education should not be taught in schools
Sex education is an assault on religious beliefs
A comprehensive sex education program in schools violates some religious principles.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
Yes, sex education should be taught in schools
Parents want sex education in schools
When polled, parents usually support making comprehensive sex education classes part of the curriculum.
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What are the themes of The Catcher in the Rye?
The Catcher in the Rye is about sexuality
Holden Caulfield's sexuality is a notable theme in The Catcher in the Rye
Throughout the Catcher in the Rye Holden Caulfield is struggling with his sexuality and has trouble establishing physical relationships. He is unable to clearly differentiate between the emotional responses related to being intimate and having sex.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
No, sex education should not be taught in schools
Sex education makes teenagers more promiscuous
A comprehensive sex education program will make teenagers more promiscuous.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
No, sex education should not be taught in schools
Sex education should not be taught in schools because every child is different
Children and teenagers develop at different rates. You cannot apply a one-size-fits-all approach to sex education.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
No, sex education should not be taught in schools
Sex education allows teachers to promote an agenda
Many educators have their own personal views on matters like contraceptives, abortion and LGBTQ+ matters. Sex education in schools allows them to push this agenda on children and teens.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
Yes, sex education should be taught in schools
Not everyone has access to sex education
Teenagers are always going to have sex. By putting sex education on a curriculum, no child gets left behind and is left vulnerable, without the knowledge to make informed decisions and protect themselves.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
Yes, sex education should be taught in schools
Sex education reduces pregnancies and STDs
In countries where comprehensive sex education (not just abstinance-only programs) are on the curriculum, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease rates fall.
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Should sex education be taught in schools?
Yes, sex education should be taught in schools
Sex education promotes healthy living
We teach the importance of exercise, a healthy diet, and good oral hygiene in schools. Why wouldn't we also teach good practices for sexual health?
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This page was last edited on Monday, 26 Oct 2020 at 14:21 UTC