Corporal punishment - state sanctioned physical punishment - has been banned in 58 countries worldwide. However, some argue these bans deter violent crime. Should corporal punishment be allowed? Can it be an effective disciplinary tool? Or is it linked to skyrocketing crime rates?
Yes, corporal punishment is good
When administered correctly, corporal punishment is a powerful deterrent against crime.
Corporal punishment is a strong deterrent
We instinctively change our behaviour to avoid pain. This makes corporal punishment an effective deterrent.
In choosing corporal punishment, the authority figure makes no effort to understand the motives and emotions behind a person’s actions. For this reason, it is a superficial punishment that damages emotional wellbeing.
Corporal punishment is at odds with societal roles
Authority figures, including the government, teachers, and parents, are supposed to offer protection from physical harm. A child expects a certain level of trust and understanding from a relationship with these figures, which is why corporal punishment is at odds with the societal roles these people purport to inhabit.