The shape of the Earth has been the subject of popular and scientific interest for millennia. Are theories about the Flat Earth correct, or does the Earth have curvature?
Yes, the Earth is flat
Flat Earth theories are correct about the shape of the Earth.
The Bible says that the Earth is a stationary object and is flat
Many proponents of the flat Earth theory draw from biblical Scripture to back up their argument, which provides a specific interpretation that, to them, confirms their hypothesis. Further, because the Bible has been around for thousands of years and its essence has not changed, it must be the de facto truth.
The horizon always looks level and objects remain upon a flat surface
Even from high up in an aeroplane, the horizon looks level to the naked eye. Moreover, when looking out towards the horizon, the land appears flat. Objects also appear to be on a flat surface, meaning that the Earth is flat as well.
Flat Earth theories are incorrect; the Earth is round.
The Earth has a round shadow and experiences lunar and solar eclipses
Lunar eclipses show the shadow of the Earth on the Moon, proving that it is spherical. Neither solar nor lunar eclipses would be possible if the Earth wasn't spherical.
Ships appear to sink as they move closer to the horizon and emerge as they move closer to the observer
As a ship travels toward the horizon, the ship appears to sinking until it disappears altogether. The curvature of a spherical Earth explains why the ship disappears.
Different constellations are seen from different places on Earth
Certain constellations can only be seen in the Northern Hemisphere but disappear in the Southern Hemisphere. The vice-versa is true as well. The Earth is a globe because constellations appear to shift and disappear due to the spherical curvature of the Earth.