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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
The Coronavirus pandemic will shift the East-West power balance
The virus is realigning power dynamics around the world.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is economically motivated
COVID-19 is a Chinese government scam to reduce state pension outgoings
The Chinese government has already allowed certain SMEs to back out of established pension obligations and insurance fees to ease the virus' financial burden. Was it pre-empted?
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the realisation of an age old prophecy
Novelist Dean Koontz predicted the COVID-19 in 1981
In his foreboding thriller 'The Eyes of Darkness', Koontz imagines a man-made virus called Wuhan created in its namesake city, sweeping the globe. The novel calls it the 'perfect weapon'.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a man made biological weapon
China created COVID-19 to attack foreign nations
The virus was deliberately created in a secret laboratory close to Wuhan. Scientists intended to use the illness to wipe out the US in the battle for global hegemony.
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What are the views on the US - China trade war?
The trade war is good for China
China is more likely to win the trade war
China can win this war. It can last longer because China’s economy has more room to maneuver than the United States economy. Also, China can cause more damage to the U.S. by devaluing U.S. debt.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a man made biological weapon
The US and Israel created coronavirus to attack foreign nations
These governments developed the virus together to leverage their positions against both China and the Middle East.
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What are the views on the US - China trade war?
The trade war is bad for China
Rising prices damage consumers and the economy
An inevitable result of the trade war is increased tariffs on necessary consumer goods such as food. This makes these goods more expensive for consumers. Making life harder for its citizens is bad for China.
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What are the views on the US - China trade war?
The trade war is bad for China
Increasing tariffs on Chinese goods harm key exports
Since China is reliant on U.S. exports, large tariffs cause huge damage to the Chinese economy. China will lose the trade war because the U.S. will be able to sustain the damage for longer than China.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC