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What are the positions on DACA and Dreamers?
DACA should remain and expand
DACA increases diversity in American society and the workforce
DACA allows young people from different backgrounds to study and work in the United States, which increases diversity. This diversity brings different ideas and innovations to the country which helps in its progress.
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What are the positions on DACA and Dreamers?
DACA should be eliminated
DACA is legally unjustified
There are established immigration laws for people coming to the US with no status. President Obama had no constitutional authority to exclude young immigrants from these laws by making a program like DACA.
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What are the positions on DACA and Dreamers?
DACA should remain and expand
DACA helps improve the US economy
Economic losses would follow the elimination of the DACA program including a decrease in tax revenues and loss of workforce and students enrolled in education programs.
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What are the positions on DACA and Dreamers?
DACA should be eliminated
DACA can drastically change the political sphere
The deferred action delays deportation for young immigrants and gives them time to eventually apply for permanent residency. DACA would increase the number of US citizens and voters in elections and change the political environment.
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What are the positions on DACA and Dreamers?
DACA should remain and expand
Eliminating DACA is morally incorrect
DACA serves an ethical purpose by protecting minor immigrants who came to the United States following their parents. It also gives them rights and benefits that allow them to succeed and help their families and the US.
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What are the positions on DACA and Dreamers?
DACA should be eliminated
DACA negatively impacts the US economy
DACA recipients are able to work in the United States. This makes them take many of the jobs that Americans could have. The decline in jobs for Americans is especially true for unskilled or low-skilled workers.
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This page was last edited on Monday, 2 Nov 2020 at 18:09 UTC