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Love is counter-revolutionary

In Communist China in the 20th century, the total “renunciation of the heart” was expected.
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The Argument

Romantic love, desire - the importance of these pales in comparison to the importance and joy that serving the state brings. People in the People's Republic of China were expected to renounce romantic love, seeing it as a “psychosomatic activity that consumes energy and wastes time”.[1] Romantic love places the importance of the individual over that of the collective. Physical attraction and love when choosing a partner should not be considered material; the only way to ensure a partnership that is "forever green" is to ensure both parties have "revolutionary feelings".[2] The only authentic, real love is love of the cause and the state. This is the area in which citizens should direct all of their passion, and citizens should be able to completely focus on work in the day without being distracted by romantic love.

Counter arguments


[P1] Romantic love is a frivolous distraction from more important duties. [P2] Love is unimportant; the only important love is the love of the collective cause.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Monday, 10 Feb 2020 at 12:18 UTC

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