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Is animal milk healthy?
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Milk is healthy because it promotes healthy bodily functions and has an array of health benefits.

Milk's health benefits make it a great addition to human diets.
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The Argument

Research has shown varying health benefits to drinking milk. The most commonly known is improved bone health. The high calcium content in milk helps build up strong and dense bone structure and teeth, protecting against bone loss, osteoporosis (weak/brittle bone disease), and bone breakage or fracture. The vitamin D contained in milk aids in calcium absorption, further contributing to bone health. Milk can also have positive effects on brain health. It can increase antioxidant levels in the brain, making it healthier, and the vitamin D can contribute to serotonin production. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is associated with happiness, sleep regulation, and appetite. Some studies have shown milk to increase serotonin levels and alleviate symptoms of depression. Muscle building and weight loss can be aided by milk consumption due to its high levels of protein. Protein is critical to build muscle mass and heal wounds, and milk contains lots of protein. The potassium in milk can also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improving heart and blood health.

Counter arguments

-Milk can actually cause weaker bones, because the acids it produces draw on calcium from the bones to neutralize them. -Many proclaimed health benefits of milk are the results of one or a few studies, and not confirmed to be true.


-P[1] Milk promotes the regulation of bodily functions and can improve health and decrease likelihood for disease.

Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 at 21:35 UTC

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