No, milk is unhealthy.
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Animal milk is unhealthy because it decreases bone growth and health
Although popular opinion suggests that milk improves bone health, milk actually contains a protein known as casein, which produces acid when broken down. This acid is believed to be responsible for the breaking down of bones, making them weaker, which can lead to them breaking more easily.
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The Argument
Despite the hype, animal milk actually robs our bones of calcium. Calcium is needed to neutralize and flush out acids; in addition to the calcium we consume from milk, we also have to rely on the calcium that is stored in our bodies. Animal milk contains acid, which works to rob our bodies of our calcium stores. Medical studies have shown that the people who consume the most animal milk have significantly higher bone fracture rates as opposed to people who consume little to no animal milk.
Drinking three or more glasses of milk a day may lead to bone fracture particularly in women. One study found that the cause of this might be related to a sugar known as D-galactose, which is present in milk. While the study states that further research is needed for each individual before making dietary changes, another study shows that bone fractures in older adults because of osteoperosis are higher in areas that consume more dairy, animal protien, and calcium.
Counter arguments
Animal milk is good for bone strength because it contains a good source of calcium. Calcium is a mineral that is extremely necessary for healthy bone and teeth structures. Animal milk also contains Vitamin D, which is also a benefit to bone health. The combination of Vitamin D and calcium can help strengthen bones and prevent osteoperosis.
P[1] Milk’s proteins create acid when broken down.
Rejecting the premises