For much of time people have questioned the existence of God. This question understands God as ‘Supreme Being and Creator of the Universe’, not a specific God (Christian, Islamic, Jewish, or other), and explores the various positions and arguments for and against the existence.
Yes, God exists
At least one deity exists.
People experience God, so They exist
This is the belief that the personal feeling of 'awe' is proof of the existence of God.
Ontological belief in God: the idea that God exists because he exists
An ontological belief is an argument someone makes about reality: what exists simply because it exists. Due to God existing as an idea in the mind, and we cannot imagine a being greater than the greatest possible being that can be imagined (ie. God), it can therefore be concluded that God exists.
The existence of God can be disproved. Be it due to the existence of evil, the lack of sufficient empirical evidence, or the inconsistencies present in religions that worship some form of this God, God does not exist.
The existence of evil shows there is no God
It is impossible to reconcile the existence of evil with an omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient God
The argument from non-belief: God only exists if we believe it does
The argument from non-belief is a philosophical argument that asserts an inconsistency between the existence of God and a world in which people fail to recognize him
The New Atheist cluster of arguments, commonly attributed to a group of Western 21st century writers, that claim that religion is superstition, scientifically disprovable, and bad for society.