From the beginning of the James Bond movie franchise in 1962, 007 has proved to be a long-lasting cultural icon. The spy for the U.K. Secret Service has now starred in 26 movies, accruing many high-tech gadgets and charming huge amounts of women as he goes. But who is James Bond? Is he a hero? A villain? A symbol of a time gone by? Or totally irrelevant?
James Bond is an amazing character
James Bond is a compelling character who has been popular for decades - with good reason.
James Bond is a classic hero
Audiences admire James Bond for his courage, achievements, and skill. These are the qualities of a classic hero, which is why he is such an iconic character.
Bond is an ostentatious character, and his over-indulgence is a celebration of greed. Critics have also noted his excessive tendencies with violence and romantic relationships.
James Bond is an archaic relic of a time gone by. His character is outdated because he symbolizes the masculine ideal of the 1950s. As a symbol of a 20th century ideal, he holds no relevance in the 21st century.