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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is good
Capitalism promotes innovation in a free market economy
A free market encourages innovation because people have incentives to work harder, which leads to higher productivity. Innovation allows societies to develop rapidly and gives people a better quality of life.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is good
Capitalism is self-regulatory
Capitalism ensures economic efficiency because it is self-regulated through competition. Companies must adhere to the ethical and moral standards of society, or else be at risk of being damaged by boycotts.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is bad
Capitalism ignores social needs
The success of capitalism is entirely contingent on the premise of every citizen being able to work. Capitalism doesn't provide for people that cannot work (the disabled or elderly). It is a system that values profit over the needs of the people.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is good
Capitalism and society both focus on freedom and opportunity
Capitalism promotes individual freedom by providing choices, the right to private property, and allowing people to set the price of goods. Capitalism promotes political freedom by limiting the power of the government. Capitalism promotes equal opportunity by rewarding hard work and innovation.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is good
Capitalism helps societies as a whole
Capitalism helps societies as a whole through the invisible hand and a higher GDP which leads to a higher standard of living for people. Capitalism in one nation also helps other nations through globalization.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is good
Capitalism meets the needs of the population
Under a capitalist society, businesses that manufacture products in high demand flourish. These businesses compete with each other to meet the demands of consumers, giving people more choices when buying a product, and ensuring that their needs are met.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is bad
Capitalism is harmful to the environment
Capitalism has led to significant environmental degradation. Capitalism encourages mass consumption, is unsustainable, and provides an incentive for business owners to harm the environment for monetary gain. Business owners manipulate people to consume more of their products, which impacts the environment.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is bad
Capitalism results in wealth-inequality
Capitalism results in wealth-inequality. The richest in society have more money than they could ever need while other people in the same society are homeless, hungry, and/or living in poverty. This is morally wrong. We should redistribute this wealth to help others.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is bad
Capitalism is ineffective and unstable
Capitalism is ineffective because the formation of monopolies eliminates competition that is essential for capitalism to function properly. Also, corporations being "too big to fail" and economic cycles of booms and busts make capitalism unstable.
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What are the pros and cons of capitalism?
Capitalism is bad
Capitalism doesn’t promote equal opportunity
Capitalism does not promote equal opportunity. Some people inherit great wealth while others are born into poverty. Limited access to resources and opportunities (such as education, adequate nutrition, and healthcare) from the start limits peoples' ability to move up. Workers lack opportunity because their labor is exploited with companies trying to pay them as little as they can.
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How do we think about the George Floyd murder?
Society creates the nation: George Floyd's murder exposes America’s deepening social cleavages
George Floyd's murder exposed rampant capitalism and a broken society
This is a class issue. For too long American social and political organisation has been built on a single uniting value: the pursuit of wealth at any cost. This has trickled down into every cell of social life, breeding inequality, deprivation and unrest. It has redefined the American state by exclusion and marginalisation; those at the bottom are characterised by their subordination. This is now felt in healthcare, welfare, agency - and the way they are treated within society. The riots are just one element of its collapse and the fight for a more just society, and realignment of American values. The riots are as Professor Cornell West describes it, a call for "what we need is a nonviolent revolutionary project of full-scale democratic sharing — power, wealth, resources, respect, organizing — and a fundamental transformation of this American Empire." Proponents include West and Fox anchor Tucker Carlson.
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Have emojis changed the world?
Yes, emojis have far-reaching social implications.
Emojis are used by businesses to expand their customer base
Consumers are increasingly responsive to campaigns that integrate emojis. Both corporate and consumer behaviours have therefore adapted to the growing influence of emojis.
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Will AI take our jobs?
No: there will always be jobs for humans
Capitalism won't allow for the end of work because of AI
Capitalism will not allow for the end of work as AI becomes more common in the workplace. For example, new jobs will emerge to manage and control AI. Jobs will not disappear, they will evolve to reflect developing technology.
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This page was last edited on Monday, 26 Oct 2020 at 13:17 UTC