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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization creates a race to the bottom
Globalization increases international competition which creates a race to the bottom.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization leaves us vulnerable to infectious diseases
In a hyper-connected world, infectious diseases can spread more rapidly, increasing the likelihood of an international pandemic.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization destroys the environment
Globalization introduces an economic model that is incompatible with environmental protection.
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What are the pros and cons of Populism in politics?
Populism means healthy politics
The growth of Populism represents a working democracy
Healthy democracy depends on representing all perspectives. The rise of Populism is therefore symptomatic of democracy in action.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization fuels inequality
Globalization makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization leads to reduced public revenues
The free movement of labour allows companies to easily relocate to tax havens.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will erode international institutions
Opposing interests between countries during Covid-19 will weaken the European Union
EU leaders have already come to major disagreement over notional 'corona bonds', which would share post-crisis debt amongst member states. At the heart of this disagreement is the question of sovereignty versus a shared identity.
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What are the pros and cons of Populism in politics?
Populism means healthy politics
Left wing populism is based on policies for the greater good
The assumption that all Populism is based on hate is false and misleading. Politicians such as Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn are pushing politics for a fairer and more equal world.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will erode international institutions
The Covid-19 pandemic will weaken the United Nations
The UN is under threat as the virus destabilises societies.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is economically motivated
COVID-19 is a Chinese government scam to reduce state pension outgoings
The Chinese government has already allowed certain SMEs to back out of established pension obligations and insurance fees to ease the virus' financial burden. Was it pre-empted?
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Do tech monopolies stifle or spur innovation?
Tech monopolies have a financial incentive to innovate.
The power of data
Monopolies have an immense amount of resources at their disposal. These resources can be used to gather data, which is especially useful in the tech sector.
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be funded wholly by the government
The equity of no-cost education
For some, the cost of tertiary education is a barrier to entry that can be removed through increased funding.
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be funded wholly by the government
Endowment funding
Some public tertiary education systems have accounts with as much as $30.9 billion that are seldom used.
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Will AI take our jobs?
No: there will always be jobs for humans
Capitalism won't allow for the end of work because of AI
Capitalism will not allow for the end of work as AI becomes more common in the workplace. For example, new jobs will emerge to manage and control AI. Jobs will not disappear, they will evolve to reflect developing technology.
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be subsidized by the government
The student loan incentive
Student loans benefit society in the long run by incentivising graduates.
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Who should bear the cost of public tertiary education?
Tertiary education should be subsidized by the government
The sustainability of affordable education
Subsidizing education would help alleviate economic barriers without exhausting government funds.
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Is the BJP dangerous?
No, the Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) is not dangerous
Far from being dangerous, the BJP has achieved a lot
The BJP had ambitious policies, which positively affected many areas of the Indian population's lives.
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Should birth control be free?
Yes, birth control should be free
Birth control costs too much
Something so critical to so many people should not cost an arm and a leg.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
Coronavirus will lead to more robust international institutions
This pandemic will prove how important well-funded international bodies are in times of crisis.
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Do tech monopolies stifle or spur innovation?
Tech monopolies have a financial incentive to innovate.
The AT&T example
AT&T's monopoly in the 20th century allowed it to make technological strides.
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Is the BJP dangerous?
Yes, the Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) is dangerous
The BJP use Hindutva to hide India's poor economic performance
The BJP is increasingly focussing on harmful identity politics in order to distract from not delivering on their promises.
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What are the views on the US - China trade war?
The trade war is bad for China
Rising prices damage consumers and the economy
An inevitable result of the trade war is increased tariffs on necessary consumer goods such as food. This makes these goods more expensive for consumers. Making life harder for its citizens is bad for China.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
Putting the economy first
Prioritising economic growth at all costs has led to poor policy decisions.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
Failings within the CDC
The CDC was responsible for providing coronavirus testing kits to citizens, and acted too late.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
President Trump chose not to act
The President claimed the threat posed by COVID-19 was exaggerated to avoid taking decisive action.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the US economy?
Donald Trump will be better for the US economy
Donald Trump has a strong track record of negotiating foreign trade deals
Trump has negotiated a number of lucrative foreign trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada and Japan.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is good
Globalization creates jobs
Economic liberalization has made it easier for companies to relocate, allowing them to rapidly scale up and create new jobs.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is good
Globalization improves productivity
Globalization improves domestic productivity by expanding knowledge. Allowing foreign imports increases competition, which forces innovation in order for companies to stay in demand.
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What are the views on the US - China trade war?
The trade war is good for China
China is more likely to win the trade war
China can win this war. It can last longer because China’s economy has more room to maneuver than the United States economy. Also, China can cause more damage to the U.S. by devaluing U.S. debt.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is good
Globalization has lowered prices
The free movement of goods and people has brought overheads down and allowed companies to sell products more cheaply.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is good
Globalization has improved access to technology
In a hyper-connected world, new technologies spread faster between markets.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is good
Globalization promotes peace
The deeper the economic ties between nations, the greater the incentive to avoid conflict.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
The FDA acted indecisively
The US Food and Drug Administration failed to act in the interest of the population.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Weak existing infrastructure
An exclusive healthcare system
The US healthcare system naturally excludes most Americans. Negotiating this situation during a pandemic confused policymakers.
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This page was last edited on Thursday, 9 Apr 2020 at 14:46 UTC