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Should books be adapted into movies?
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Adapting movies gives screenplay writers creative freedom

How the book is presented can be altered, giving screenwriters a 'jumping off point' from which to showcase their creativity.
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The Argument

The opportunity to make a classic accessible in a contemporary format is appealing, especially to modern audiences. Seemingly dated works become highlighted again with the help of a modern-era film. There is also the flexibility for the contents of a dated book to be presented in accordance to modern trends and values, from portraying themes like sexuality to dressing actors in 21st-century fashion. To provide a specific example, the 2019 rendition of Little Women by Greta Gerwig showed an ending different from Louisa May Alcott's original book. The film was heavily focused on feminism, exploring the choices each March sister makes in their lives (such as Jo's struggle with her career as a writer). This echoes feminist movements we have in our society today.

Counter arguments


[P1] Presenting classics in contemporary film makes the original work more relevant.

Rejecting the premises


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