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Should Mail-In ballots be banned in the 2020 US Elections?
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Mail-in ballots disproportionately favour Democrats

Donald Trump himself has been quoted as saying that the Republicans could not win an election in which too many Americans voted by mail.
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The Argument

Republicans worry that mail-in voting will increase voter turnout amount demographic groups that typically vote for Democrats. The people that they put into this group include low-income demographics who perhaps do not have transportation options to polling stations and expatriates abroad who tend to vote Democrat. Also, since Covid-19 disproportionately harmed African Americans, this is another typical Democrat-voting group that would opt for mail-voting on a greater scale this year. Donald Trump is on record this year as stating, "you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again" if vote-by-mail were allowed.

Counter arguments

Counterintuitively, a common argument for mail-in-voting is to help balance out the election in favor of Donald Trump. Proponents of vote-by-mail believe Donald Trump cannot win the 2020 election without mail in voting, therefore it must be included in the electoral process or he will claim the election was rigged. One of the main reasons given for the inclusion of mail in ballots is that due to the massive enthusiasm gap and health gap between Trump supporters (elderly white people) and Trump haters (young and active people), without mail in ballots he stands no chance. Given Donald Trump’s constant preemptive delegitimization of the 2020 presidential election already, this camp of people thinks that without mail in ballots by his GOP base, to soften the amount of votes by which he loses, it will be easier for him to claim the election was rigged.


Rejecting the premises


This page was last edited on Wednesday, 5 Aug 2020 at 15:04 UTC

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