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Discrimination is the act of making distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong. People may discriminate on the basis of age, caste, criminal record, height, weight, physical appearance, disability, family status, gender identity, gender expression, generation, genetic characteristics, marital status, nationality, profession, color, race and ethnicity, religion, sex and sex characteristics, sexual orientation, political ideology, social class, personality, as well as other categories. Discrimination especially occurs when individuals or groups are treated “in a way which is worse than the way people are usually treated,” on the basis of their actual or perceived membership in certain groups or social categories. It involves the group’s initial reaction or interaction going on to influence the individual’s actual behavior towards the group’s leader or the group, restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to members of another group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or entities based on illogical or irrational decision-making.

Discriminatory traditions, policies, ideas, practices and laws exist in many countries and institutions in all parts of the world, including territories where discrimination is generally looked down upon. In some places, attempts such as quotas have been used to benefit those who are believed to be current or past victims of discrimination. These attempts have often been met with controversy, and have sometimes been called reverse discrimination.

What are the forms of European anti-Semitism?
Conspiracist anti-Semitism
Jews control the Media
Much of contemporary antisemitism is based in conspiracy theories related to the belief that Jews are plotting to take over the world.
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#CakeGate: can you refuse service on the basis of faith?
Yes, service can be refused on grounds of religion in all cases
Baking a cake is a form of protected creative expression
The US's first amendment protects individual free speech
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Are millennials lazy?
Yes, millennials are lazy
“Can I leave early on Friday afternoons to go to Yoga?”
Millennials won't work long hours. They are the last ones to the office and the first ones to leave.
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Are there more than two genders?
We should strive for a genderless world
Society will ultimately progress to a point where gender is rendered moot and this will come about through the erosion of gender roles.
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Is diversity critical to a business' financial success?
Diversity has no bearing on a company's financial success
Diversity's impact varies
Increasing diversity doesn't always bring harmony. Sometimes it brings tensions.
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Should multicultural literature be included in the high school curriculum?
No, multicultural literature should not be taught in schools
The Outsider status
The experiences of any cultural or racial group should only be presented by a member of that group.
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Are millennials lazy?
Yes, millennials are lazy
Millennials won't do menial or entry-level jobs
Millennials aren't willing to take entry-level jobs that previous generations took to make ends meet.
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What are the forms of European anti-Semitism?
Religious anti-Semitism
The Jews killed Jesus
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Are people born gay?
No, people are not born gay
Same-sex attraction is a mental illness that needs professional treatment
Mental illnesses are developed or innate. Homosexuality is a psychological condition caused by an underlying mental illness. Instead of being an orientation, it needs to be treated by a doctor.
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What are the forms of European anti-Semitism?
Identitarian Anti-Semitism
Jews are dirty, weak, poor, uncivilised
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What is "race"?
Race is a biological reality
Some races are genetically predisposed to outperform others
Racial disparities exist because of biological inheritance and genetics.
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What are the forms of European anti-Semitism?
Jews as Traitors
Jews are 'Rootless Cosmopolitans'
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What are the forms of European anti-Semitism?
Jews as Traitors
The Blood Libel
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Are people born gay?
Yes, people are born gay
Homosexuality is a genetic trait that runs throughout generations
Homosexuality is a genetic trait passed from parents to children. The gene continues to spread throughout generations. The extended families of homosexuals tend to have multiple family members attracted to members of the same sex.
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Are people born gay?
Yes, people are born gay
Xq28 is the gay gene
Scientists have been able to trace same-sex attraction to a single gene, Xq28.
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What are the views on the legalization of gay marriage?
Gay marriage should be illegal
Gay marriage would undermine the fidelity of marriage
Gay people are more prone to extra-marital affairs. Allowing them legal marriage rights would undermine the fidelity of marriage.
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Can white people in the USA be victims of racism?
Yes, white people can be victims of racism
To be anti-racist is to be anti-white
The term "anti-racism" has been co-opted by racists intent on obliterating whites. It is used to undermine white communities, and a veiled attempt to couch the coming black supremacy in the language of social justice. This perspective sees the lopsided immigration from Asia and Africa into the West as evidence that these nations intend to wipe out white people. They argue that people should stay within their own home nations - e.g. "Africa for Africans" - and have no place in white countries. When they do move to the West therefore, the so-called "anti-racism" campaigns are part of a much more underhand plan to seize control of white territories. Proponents include Bob Whitaker, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
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Should burkas be banned in the UK?
Burkas should be banned in the UK
Burkas should be banned because safety concerns should be prioritised
Wearing clothing that covers a citizen's identity poses a threat to security.
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Should transgender people use the bathroom that matches their identity?
It is irrelevant
Transgender people require treatment not accomodation
Transgender people suffer from an illness. Rather than trying to accommodate them, we should be trying to treat their mental illness. Transgender people need treatment, not accommodation.
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Should transgender people use the bathroom that matches their identity?
Transgender people should not use the bathroom that matches their identity
Sexual liberty should not trump religious liberty
Religions are against trans people, so we should not allow them to self identify
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What was Italy's Immigration Debate in 2018 about?
Italy's immigration debate was about halting immigration
Italian culture will be ruined by immigration
"If we allow immigrants to live among us, we’ll lose our identity"
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Should transgender people use the bathroom that matches their identity?
Transgender people should not use the bathroom that matches their identity
Transgender people are dangerous to cis women
Trans women are more dangerous and predatory than cis women, cis men could also take advantage of the law to gain access to female restrooms
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What are the views on the legalization of gay marriage?
Gay marriage should be illegal
Gay marriage goes against the institution of marriage
The ideals of the marital institution are not compatible with homosexual relationships.
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Are millennials lazy?
Yes, millennials are lazy
Millennials aren't willing to sacrifice
Millennials grew up in a world of instant gratification. Now, they won't make sacrifices.
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Can white people in the USA be victims of racism?
Yes, white people can be victims of racism
Anti-black "racism" is eugenic truth. Anti-white racism is not.
Blacks have faced historical discrimination because they deserve it. One cannot argue with the facts: proportionately, they commit more crimes, put back less into the economy, breed danger in their neighbourhoods and have much lower standards of education than whites. These are not opinions - they are facts. When we talk about "white-on-black racism" we are really talking about ripping off the band aid of political correctness, and seeing the realities of racial difference that exist across the world. And yet, racism against whites persists. Proponents include the Ku Klux Klan, white pride organisations and white supremacists.
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This page was last edited on Friday, 25 Sep 2020 at 08:38 UTC