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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
The Coronavirus pandemic will shift the East-West power balance
The virus is realigning power dynamics around the world.
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What are the pros and cons of Populism in politics?
Populism means healthy politics
Left wing populism is based on policies for the greater good
The assumption that all Populism is based on hate is false and misleading. Politicians such as Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn are pushing politics for a fairer and more equal world.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
The Coronavirus pandemic will strengthen 'the nation'
As societies become more inward-facing, the nation will become more important to international relations.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will erode international institutions
Opposing interests between countries during Covid-19 will weaken the European Union
EU leaders have already come to major disagreement over notional 'corona bonds', which would share post-crisis debt amongst member states. At the heart of this disagreement is the question of sovereignty versus a shared identity.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will erode international institutions
The Covid-19 pandemic will weaken the United Nations
The UN is under threat as the virus destabilises societies.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is economically motivated
COVID-19 is a Chinese government scam to reduce state pension outgoings
The Chinese government has already allowed certain SMEs to back out of established pension obligations and insurance fees to ease the virus' financial burden. Was it pre-empted?
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Have emojis changed the world?
No, the impact of emojis is exaggerated.
Emojis are a response to real world events
Emojis are created as a response to real world trends and events
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a form of state control
COVID-19 is caused by 5G
Many believe that the recent widespread integration of 5G cell towers throughout the world is directly correlated with the COVID-19 pandemic. They cite the 5G signal itself as an active agent in the rapid spread of the virus as a means for the government to control people.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the realisation of an age old prophecy
Novelist Dean Koontz predicted the COVID-19 in 1981
In his foreboding thriller 'The Eyes of Darkness', Koontz imagines a man-made virus called Wuhan created in its namesake city, sweeping the globe. The novel calls it the 'perfect weapon'.
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What are the conspiracy theories around COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the realisation of an age old prophecy
COVID-19 is the realisation of Nostradamus' 'Great Plague'
Recent interpretations of Nostradamus' predictions see COVID-19 as the long-awaited 'Great Plague' set to ravage a 'Sea City'.
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How do we think about the UK lockdown debate?
The authoritarian position, or 'Do not lift lockdown!'
Lifting the lockdown will give rise to a police state, which must be avoided
This group understands that there are multiple workable options to ending lockdown. And critically, that each will have a unique transformative effect on society. They argue that relaxing lockdown comes at a price: individual freedom. Methods that have worked in other countries rely on the government handling and tracking citizens' data. Many see this, and suggested initiatives such as Matt Hancock's "test, track, trace" app as the population complicit in the building of a surveillance state. Proponents include International Editor of the News Statesman Jeremy Cliffe.
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What are the pros and cons of Populism in politics?
Populism means healthy politics
The growth of Populism represents a working democracy
Healthy democracy depends on representing all perspectives. The rise of Populism is therefore symptomatic of democracy in action.
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How do we think about the UK lockdown debate?
The authoritarian position, or 'Do not lift lockdown!'
Public health supersedes any other consideration during the pandemic
The fundamental role of the state is to protect its citizens. It is an aberration that anyone might argue economic growth should take precedence. As Chief Medical Officer Chris Witty has said, the only viable way out of this crisis is the discovery of a vaccine or a drug that will reduce transmission rates and impact. Any relaxation is dangerous, with the only known outcome being avoidable deaths.
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Is coronavirus aggravating Islamophobia in India?
No, coronavirus is easing religious tensions
The nation stands as one
Shows of solidarity are growing as the country comes together to beat the virus.
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How do we think about the UK lockdown debate?
The authoritarian position, or 'Do not lift lockdown!'
Lifting lockdown forces workers to risk their lives during the pandemic
With the economy in a state of flux, many workers will have to return to work if lockdown is relaxed. This situation is dangerous when there is no known cure, and businesses do not have to make guarantees on worker safety. Ultimately, people will be forced to risk death to stay financially afloat due to a situation beyond their control. Proponents include the UK Labour Party and trade unions.
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How do we think about the UK lockdown debate?
The authoritarian position, or 'Do not lift lockdown!'
Despot now, doughnut later
Amsterdam has already announced it plans to introduce Oxford University's so-called "doughnut model" to rehabilitate its economy. Critically, this viewpoint sees lockdown as necessary, but longterm economic damage as optional. It suggests current growth models are outdated, and that contemporary ideas, which consider social factors and environmental health, are the way to avoid a post-pandemic depression. This model is largely championed by third sector players, including Oxfam, who see it as a route to longterm sustainable development.
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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
This is a false dichotomy
Hardline economism is obscuring the reality of coronavirus
Increasingly, political analyses use statistics and economic forecasts to make decisions. But these can be extremely misleading.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
Yes, the marketplace of ideas works
The marketplace of ideas works, but is compromised
Online bias is sabotaging the free exchange of ideas. There is no such thing as impartiality on the internet.
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Will AI take our jobs?
No: there will always be jobs for humans
Capitalism won't allow for the end of work because of AI
Capitalism will not allow for the end of work as AI becomes more common in the workplace. For example, new jobs will emerge to manage and control AI. Jobs will not disappear, they will evolve to reflect developing technology.
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COVID-19: Are government resources better spent on public health or stimulating the economy?
Government resources are better spent on public health
The role of the state is to protect its citizens
Human life is sacred, the economy is not. The government should look after the health and safety of citizens first. If everyone is too sick to work, the economy's health won't matter.
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Is the BJP dangerous?
No, the Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) is not dangerous
Far from being dangerous, the BJP has achieved a lot
The BJP had ambitious policies, which positively affected many areas of the Indian population's lives.
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Is the BJP dangerous?
No, the Bharativa Janata Party (BJP) is not dangerous
There is no credible opposition to the BJP
The Congress party, who were previously in government, are no longer a viable alternative for leadership in India.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
Coronavirus will lead to more robust international institutions
This pandemic will prove how important well-funded international bodies are in times of crisis.
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Will Boris Johnson or Keir Starmer make the better Prime Minister?
Keir Starmer will make a better Prime Minister
Keir Starmer will defeat identity politics
The last few years have seen identity politics - around race, gender and religion - explode across the British political scene, stoked by Johnson. Starmer is a unifying figure whose politics focus on economics, injustice and social inclusion.
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What are the implications of Kanye West running for President?
Kanye West will split the Republican vote
Kanye West appeals to Republican voters
Having expressed his support for President Trump in the past, Republicans see Kanye as one of them.
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What are the implications of Kanye West running for President?
There are no implications to Kanye West running for president
Kanye West cannot win the US election
Kanye has made his decision to put in a 2020 election bid too late to make a difference to the election outcome.
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What are the implications of Kanye West running for President?
There are no implications to Kanye West running for president
Kanye West is simply promoting his new album, 'God's Country'
Kanye Wests's presidential bid is a PR stunt designed to promote Kanye West's new album, "God's Country". Predictably his presidential bid attracted a lot of media attention, which will be used to sell more record copies.
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What are the implications of Kanye West running for President?
Kanye West will split the Democrat vote
Kanye West is strategising to put Trump back in office
The point of Kanye's masterplan is to keep his long time ally President Trump, in office.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
Putting the economy first
Prioritising economic growth at all costs has led to poor policy decisions.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
The FDA acted indecisively
The US Food and Drug Administration failed to act in the interest of the population.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Weak existing infrastructure
An exclusive healthcare system
The US healthcare system naturally excludes most Americans. Negotiating this situation during a pandemic confused policymakers.
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How will the coronavirus affect globalization?
Coronavirus will force us to re-imagine the international order
The Covid-19 pandemic will diminish 'the nation'
The crisis shows that states must depend on each other.
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What are the allegations of corruption against Joe Biden and Donald Trump?
Corruption allegations against Joe Biden
Joe Biden was implicated in corruption scandals relating to his son Hunter
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, leveraged his father’s political influence for financial gain. Joe Biden also used his influence to protect Hunter’s business interests.
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What are the pros and cons of The Green New Deal?
The benefits of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal will eliminate deaths caused by global climate change
The Green New Deal aims to reduce the thousands of deaths annually caused by global climate change. These deaths are caused by air pollution, wildfires, illnesses related to them.
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What are the pros and cons of The Green New Deal?
The drawbacks of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal will expand the federal government's involvement in the energy sector
Private industries currently operate most of the energy sector. Government involvement would only hurt the industry by overregulating and slowing the industry sector down to bureaucracy's speed.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization fuels inequality
Globalization makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization leads to reduced public revenues
The free movement of labour allows companies to easily relocate to tax havens.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization destroys the environment
Globalization introduces an economic model that is incompatible with environmental protection.
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What are the pros and cons of The Green New Deal?
The benefits of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal will grow the United States' economy
Estimates suggest that the Green New Deal will create over two million net new jobs in the energy sector. These new jobs come largely from the energy sector. When more Americans are employed, they tend to spend their money, which boosts the economy.
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What are the pros and cons of The Green New Deal?
The drawbacks of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal will increase the deficit in the United States
A total change from fossil fuels to renewable energies would cost the United States trillions of dollars. This would only add to the deficit, and cuts to other vital programs would be necessary for the Green New Deal to become a reality.
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What are the implications of Kanye West running for President?
Kanye West will split the Democrat vote
Kanye West appeals to young, black Democrats
Polling suggests Kanye is more popular with Democrats than Republicans.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Poor public health response
Failings within the CDC
The CDC was responsible for providing coronavirus testing kits to citizens, and acted too late.
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Why are there so many coronavirus cases in the US?
Slow American political response
President Trump chose not to act
The President claimed the threat posed by COVID-19 was exaggerated to avoid taking decisive action.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for the US economy?
Donald Trump will be better for the US economy
Donald Trump has a strong track record of negotiating foreign trade deals
Trump has negotiated a number of lucrative foreign trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada and Japan.
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What are the pros and cons of The Green New Deal?
The goals of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal aims to create a zero-emissions society
Meet one hundred percent of the United States' power/energy demand through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources. The proponents of this position hope to accomplish this goal within ten years of implementation.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization creates a race to the bottom
Globalization increases international competition which creates a race to the bottom.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
Globalization is bad
Globalization leaves us vulnerable to infectious diseases
In a hyper-connected world, infectious diseases can spread more rapidly, increasing the likelihood of an international pandemic.
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Will Donald Trump or Joe Biden be better for criminal justice?
Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be as good as each other for criminal justice
There is bipartisan interest in maintaining the status quo
The crises of mass incarceration, drug abuse and police violence in the US are the creations of Republicans and Democrats. There is political consensus against the radical overhaul of the criminal justice system necessary to address these issues.
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What are the pros and cons of The Green New Deal?
The goals of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal works with farmers to eliminate pollution
A vital point of the Green New Deal is to work with farmers to create a system that promotes farming without pollution and greenhouse gases. This aims to keep farmers working while reducing emissions.
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What are the pros and cons of The Green New Deal?
The goals of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal will overhaul the transportation system
Create a transportation system in the United States that utilizes high-speed rail and hybrid technology. This will reduce single-car-user commuting, which will significantly cut down on one of the leading causes of pollution, vehicles.
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What are the pros and cons of The Green New Deal?
The goals of the Green New Deal
The Green New deal is a jobs guarantee
The Green New Deal aims to boost the American economy by creating millions of new jobs. These will be in multiple sectors, including (but not limited to) transportation, agriculture, and energy.
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Does the marketplace of ideas work?
Yes, the marketplace of ideas works
The marketplace of ideas has a clear legal significance
The marketplace of ideas has been used in countless legal cases to defend free speech. The marketplace of ideas has impacted the rules by which we live.
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This page was last edited on Friday, 17 Jul 2020 at 09:18 UTC